Wingsuit Pilot Fraser Corsan to attempt four world records with the help of FlexiTog

Published by: FlexiTog, 16/11/2020 2:04 PM

Aerospace safety engineer turned wingsuit pilot Fraser Corsan has an ambitious bid to set four new world records in two separate jumps later this month. The four targets that Corsan has set himself are, as reported by Sky News:

To fly at an altitude beyond 40,000ft – higher than the summit of Everest.

To glide at 250mph – making him the fastest forward moving man in the world under his own steam.

To remain airborne for 10 minutes.

To travel 20 miles – the furthest distance ever flown in a wingsuit.

Corsan, who has been piloting for 16 years, tells Sky News: “We live in a world now which is controlled by safety and legislation, and whilst we have all the processes and procedures that we’re going through… we are trying to push the limits a little bit and inspire people.”

The attempts have been named Project Cirrus, all for a good cause raising money for the SSAFA, an Armed Forces charity which supports present and former servers of the British Armed Forces, and their families.

Extra safety precautions are being taken due to the ambitious nature of the project; Corsan will be in constant communication with his team who’ll be waiting for him on the ground, as well as having a back-up parachute which will be released if he is unable to manually release it.

The specially designed, microfiber wingsuit – the Phoenix-Fly Vampire Alpine wingsuit – will keep Fraser warm in temperatures as low as -137°C, layered on top of thermal layers provided by FlexiTog.

CloInsulation with @Flexitog are building me the warmest suit yet to fly with and combat -70C, windchill of -110C.

— Fraser Corsan (@frasercorsan) April 25, 2017

FInally home and critiical kit has arrived, thermal suit to keep warm @-70C thanks to @Flexitog and @Clo_Insulation for amazing kit for 42K

— Fraser Corsan (@frasercorsan) May 12, 2017

You can support Project Cirrus by donating to their Just Giving page, in which they’ve raised over £36,000 of their £50,000 target for the SSAFA. Keep up to date with his progress in the project on his Twitter here too!


Keep Me Warm wishes Fraser all the best of luck with the record attempts!

The Irish wingsuit team is teaming up with Flexitog to get into the record books